Saturday, April 30, 2011

1984 by George Orwell (completed)

Yea!  I finished it!  I can’t say it was the most enjoyable read, but it was interesting.  The whole political/socioeconomic structure was intriguing, frightening and maybe more pertinent today than it was when it was written.

Warning to readers - The two most painful parts to get through: the Appendix on "Newspeak" and The Book (the Goldstein political manifesto within the book).

My husband told me that, according to conspiracy theorists, George Orwell (a.k.a. Eric Blair) was writing from experience and actual knowledge he had of the plans for civilization.  I didn’t do any research into that, I was just happy to get through it and move onto something more fun.

Next up: Water For Elephants  (I’m giving myself a water read after 1984.)

Friday, April 15, 2011

1984 (in process)

After finishing the Great Gatsby (in just a few days), I began 1984, by George Orwell.  On the third page there is an asterisk (*) that leads one to the 11 page appendix that explains the principals of "Newspeak".  I think I spent two weeks wielding my way through these very dry, unenjoyable, yet ultimately necessary pages.  I have two problems: a) I am a painfully slow reader, b) I have limited time and innumerable distractions, so if I'm not thoroughly engrossed in a book, I just won't pick it up.  Alas, I have fought my way through the monotony of description and found my way back to the actual story, and after a sick day at home with the kiddos I am on page 47 and feeling quite justified in my pride over this fact.

So far--spoiler alert!--it's dark.  Like soul-deep kinda dark.  It makes me want to hear my kids laugh, and watch cartoons, and talk to my mom.

Well, I guess that's all I've got for you now.  See you again in 198 pages of tiny, soul-sucking Times New Roman type.